Essex Family Forum is proud to have worked with its family champions and parents from Send the Right Message Southend, Takiwatanga Support Services and professionals from across Health, Education, and Social Care to produce a pack of useful information for families with a neurodiverse child.
This pack includes information about the diagnosis process, how to get support for your child at school, health and wellbeing and much more. The team have shared their own experiences and hints and tips, along with those of parents, carers and young people from across Essex, Southend and Thurrock. There are also signposts to useful books, blogs and online resources which are all tried and tested resources that the team have used and found helpful.
To access the pack, please click on the image and it will take you to the EFF website where it can be downloaded.
PACT also have a limited number of hardcopies of this booklet, this has been funded for families to use. Please let us know if you wish to receive one and we will get it sorted.