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Gamers Cage (Gaming sessions)

We run monthly sessions at the Gamers cage.

  • 8 to 12 years 

  • 13 + 

  • 18 + 

 (siblings over the age of 8 years only may also be booked onto the event in under 18's sessions only unless sibling is also over 18 )


 The Gamers Cage is situated near to the Harlow Town Library.

PACT for Autism (registered) families may attend only, this is due to restricted spaces and insurance purposes.


A Parent or Responsible adult must remain at the venue for the duration of the session for all under 18's attending , if support is wanted or required for an individual over 18 then please do attend with an Allie ( eg friend, P.A, carer , partner or Parent. )


Our Parent Support team and PACT Volunteers will be there for a chat and signposting over a cuppa.


Please book your ticket to reserve your place for child / young person or individual attending these 

Adult / Carer  / P.A tickets are free.


Up to 16 people can game at any one time, with flexibility.

There is a café with relaxed seating area selling hot and cold drinks and light snacks.


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This event is for Families / individuals  registered with PACT, monthly emails are sent out with booking links and times. 

to register with PACT click here



The Gamers cage 

1-5 Harvey Centre Approach, Harlow, England, CM20 1HF

Gamers cage is located in the same building as Q Entertainment - Quasar Harlow.


More information about the venue:

If you would like to visit the Gamers cage, for a look around ahead of the event, to familiarise yourself and your child/young person with the environment, or if you need to arrange wheelchair access/level access due to difficulty using stairs then please contact them directly on 01279 445444 





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